Welcome Back
I added a new button on my blog, Paypal Donate on the right side

It's up to you how much you want to donate, I don't force you. It will just make me happy :)
These are my new pictures :
By the way, I'm leaving Canada the 31th March to go Back to France. I already signed up in my new university, I choose English-Chinese communication.
I so want to go to China or Taiwan but the ticket is really expensive so I might wait many years before going there. It's kind of a dream to discover Asia. Hope to realize it soon :)
You can post comment to tell me what do you think about my blog, my new pictures and if you want me to talk about something more specifically.
Thank you all people who donate, that makes me want to care more about my blog.
~ Thank you very much for visiting my blog ~
Your blog's cool ! Good continuation !