
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Kiki <3


Thank you for all of you who follow me on Facebook



12 days left before Christmas ! I really cannot wait to give a special gift to my roomie and the big dinner that we are going to cook :D Hmm yum yum !
Today we are going to check price to know about how much money do we need.
TURKEY ? Yes of course with a lot of good things made by us ~
I will celebrate with Xiong and Jake (a friend of Xiong and me) and my ROOMIE of course ^__^

This is what my Christmas tree looks like :


Let me know by a comment ;)

新的中文視頻很快就出来了 ~

~ 新的中文視頻很快就出来了 ~



Banana cake from Xiong :

Raspberry pie with cream from me :

Next cake will be Banana with Nutella *__* 

Sorry guys, but I need to express my self in French... Let's hear what my heart want to share with you ...

Bon et bien moi qui voulait discuter avec lui d'une bonne solution, je crois qu'il a fait la sienne. Il a deja parler a ses amies qu'ils voulaient <break up> mais que s'il me le disait, il savait que j'allais tres mal le prendre... Donc je lui en parle et me dit me dit la meme chose... Alors je lui dit que j'avais prevu une autre solution mais que maintenant je suis quand meme fixer... Ca fait un moment qu'il pensait casser avec moi mais qu'il savait pas comment me le dire. Maintenant qu'on en parle, il me dit qu'on peut peut-etre rester ensemble pendant un mois, passer noel ensemble et apres se quitter...On habite ensemble, je le repete, et la c'est assez tendu. J'ai pas envi de faire semblant de pas savoir ce qu'il a parler avec ses amis. Je sais pas si je suis assez clair. J'avais juste besoin d'ecrire car la j'en ai vraiment besoin.... Merci beauocup a tout ceux qui me lisent.

[Il se servira du fait que tu partes comme d'une excuse pour casser. Ne te laisse surtout pas berner, s'il avait décider de te quitter, que tu partes ou non il l'aurait fait.] 

Oui, tu as raison. On en a parler et il a realiser qu'il savait juste pas comment me le dire et qu'il avait de la pitier a rester avec moi puisque je devais partir, il s'est dit qu'il resterait jusqu'a ce que je parte .. 

Il veut passer Noel avec moi parce qu'il s'est que c'est tout ce que je lui demande avant de partir. Je fais pas semblant de l'aimer, je l'aime vraiment et j'aimerai ne pas souffrir avant mon depart, quitte a le laisser completement respirer quand on se retrouve a l'appart. Mais le fait est que si je suis trop occuper et que je ne lui adresse pas la parole, alors la il est triste. 

Et la claque, ouai je me la suis bien prise hier soir. J'ai juste rien dit. J'etais allonge dans le lit dos a lui et j'ecoutais ce qu'il avait a me dire... Mais le : ''Je ne pense pas que je t'aime autant que tu ne le pense'' est tres mal passer, et j'suis pas pres de l'oublier... Du coup on reste ensemble pendant un mois mais ca met une ennorme barriere entre nous donc [ca fait vraiment victime ce que je vais dire mais c'est juste l'expression de mes sentiments] j'en souffre.

Chicken curry

What do you think about my chicken curry ;D ?


I cooked it very long time then it's really really good and delicious !
What's your plan for Christmas ? I might cook turkey with a lot of other things ... I'll share with you by a picture lol

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Home-made MASK


(Honey + Lemon)

The honey really good for a lot of things : 

  • Skin Firming
  • Acne Treatment
  • Anti Aging
  • Intensive Moisturizer
  • Discoloration

Honey and lemon juice work together to fade age spots and freckles and brighten skin tone.
If you want to have a lighter skin, you can mix with lemon, that's what I'm doing RIGHT NOW !!
If your skin is really sensitive, then add yogurt. It will restore balance in the skin and give it a healthy glow.

What you just need is honey (bio is better) and lemon (a real one, not the juice you buy in supermarket) and a small container. I don't have yogurts but if you have, put a little bit in.

2 tea spoons of lemon and a big one of honey 

Put the mix in your face and wait 30mins to 1 hour. I chose to wait one hour to see the result.
It's been 15mins that I have it on my face and it not uncomfortable. It dries fast and I'm sure I'll feel so good after that.

(Egg mask)

You want home-made lifting ? I found a solution ! Egg mask !
First, it's really good for skin because of the egg yolk which moisturize your skin and then, it works very well for firming the skin.

What do you need ?
  • One egg
  • A clean skin, washed with hot water (to open your pores)

1 - Get two bowls, one with the egg yolk and the white in the other one. For people who have oily skin, you can add a little bit of lemon.

2 - Beat the white until you see bubbles. When you see them, put it on your face (becareful of your eyes)
     Wait 15 mins. You can feel your face like if you did a lifting right ? After 15 mins, wash with hot water.

3 - Do the same thing for the egg yolk and after 15 mins, wash with cold water to close your pores

Try and tell me if it worked for you

Friday, December 7, 2012


My new video, in Chinese. I know it's really short but the next one will be longer

French stereotypes

Yes, I'm from France and I moved to Canada to study. The question is :

'' Why you moved to Canada ? ''

French people are so fucking close minded ! And I hate that. They always think they are better than others and they always know everything instead of you... Like you talk to someone and he/she makes their speeches like if you never heard about what they talked about.


I won't take a part and lie to you about French people even though I don't appreciate them, I'll just tell you the truth !
Okay let's start more seriously !

I - French people smell 

Really ? Smell what ? Cheese ? Poop ?... We have shower like other country so why would we smell ? Some people choose to not wash their selves .. It's not my problem but it's not only in France, it's the same everywhere. And now I'm sure you are thinking about perfume... That's a true fact, French people like to put perfume, sometimes too much : CONCLUSION > We don't smell !

2 - French people are rude

I really think that's true. When I came back in France last year to visit my family, it totally changes from Canada. When you ask something to someone they act like they did't saw you. When you buy something, most of the time they just tell you the price and Ciao ! I'll take as example the city of Paris. People have money so they think they are better than you so they look at you like if you were an alien !
Furthermore, they are so impatient (I'm fucking impatient as hell !!!!) You just need to go to Paris or Lyon for example and look at them. When they drive, I'm sure you never saw that before how someone can be that much impatient...

3 - French girls are all thin

Most of French girls are thin, yes. The food if healthier than other country out of Europe. For example for breakfast in France I drink a coffee with orange juice and a croissant or pain-au-chocolat. For lunch we have vegetables with meat or fish + salad + yogurt and cheese. I'm not a girl of course, but it's usually the same case for other family. French girls like to do exercises the morning or after school or during the weekend with best friends. They really care about what they eat but they don't have a book of calories in their handbag ! They know how to eat healthy. But not all girls are thin, like everywhere else. I just think that most of the girl are not overweight.

4 - French people always eat cheese

That's a fact, yeah, and we love it !

5 - French people don't speak English

English class in France are most of the time a big mess. Nobody really listen to the teacher, anyway, we don't use English in France at all except for some words like chewing-gum and some others... I think French accent is so ridiculous when we speak English  but I think mine is not that hard. Anyway, I had a friend who were come from Taiwan and wanted to have new friends in Lyon ( My city). He went to a bar and met some girls and wanted to be friend with them but they didn't speak English or just a little. Not enough to start a conversation.... T__T' But now I see on Facebook that more and more French people use English to express their selves so I guess English is getting better in France.

6 - French people wear berets and walk with a baguettes carried under the armpit 

WTF IS THAT ! I went buying the bread since I'm 7 years old and I never wear a beret in my all life hahaha and I don't think carrying baguette under my armpit will be really comfortable. We walk and take it with the hand. That's all.

I don't have any more idea. I hope you learnt something and if you want to know something, just leave a comment I'll answer you, no problem.

It's really late now, almost 5am... Tomorrow I'll have my iPhone -I hope- and I'll write another article !
Oh by the way, I created the Fan Page on Facebook of my blog, it'd be nice if you can share it and like :)
There is the link :

Good night/day !

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stupid ppl !

Okay, I just checked my emails on Hotmail and I saw one message in my Trash emails.... I opened it :

Dear Friend
Please kindly accept my apology for sending you this email without your consent. I am Mr.Toure Mohammad, The director in charge of auditing and accounting section of Bank Of Africa Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso in West Africa .I am writing to request your assistance to transfer the sum of $, (Six million two hundred thousand Dollars) into your nominated bank account. The above sum belongs to our deceased customer who died along with his entire family in a plane crash,
And since then the fund has been dormant here in my bank, more details with the official bank application form will be forwarded to you immediately you show your willingness and capability of handling this transaction, feel free to contact me for more clarifications if you are really interested in my proposal get back to me the needed information below. 1. Your full name; 2. Your phone Telephone and fax numbers; 3. Your age; 4. Your country and Occupation.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr.Toure Mohammad.

Are you fucking kidding me ? Are you really going to give 2 millions dollars to someone you dunno ? FROM A BANK ? hahha let me laugh. You idiot or what ? And you should learn how to count  $ because this for me is NOT 2 millions #JustSayin'

I went to the gay forum I signed up not a long time ago and I decided to entertain them because their forum is soo fucking boring and without good story T___T Really depressed Like :  I like a boy but he is straight I dunno what to do .... YOU CANNOT FALL IN LOVE FOR A STRAIGHT ! Or people who fall in love 3 times a month, you are just so fucking ridiculous.

So yea, I posted things and people so my profil pics and said
WTF Why are you shirtless on ur pro pic ??? 
Huh ?!!! What the fuck is that question ? I do what I want first and if I want to show up, it's my problem ! So some stupid people called me ugly and shits like that .. Anyway, they are just so fucking jealous ;D I receive messages from people who really want to know me and told me Im cute ~~~ Thanks ? lol


And I talked to a nice guy who added me on Facebook and thought I was single, poor him Im sure He was so sad because he talked less to me hahaha. Im still a bit mad about these stupid ppl on the website... They called me arrongant but they were so much ! Im always so FUCKING polite ! SON OF BITCH  !


You remember what happened to my fkg iPhone ? Ok so THATS NOT THE GOOD NEWS T___T It's still dead without pulse. Poor baby, I loved you soo much and I fucking lost all my nice pictures...


My lovely boyfriend is going to buy me one :D Tadada !!

Someone draw me, and it's just SO FUCKING FABULOUS !
Her Facebook is : Valou Charette
Big thanks to her :)

Do you think it really looks like me ?

I DO !

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm lonely. And I'm lonely in some horribly deep way and for a flash of an instant, I can see just how lonely, and how deep this feeling runs. And it scares the shit out of me to be this lonely because it seems catastrophic.



I asked my bf to put the bed in the wash machine and he DIDNT check what was on the bed ! AFTER the wash machine he came like : I found your iphone in the wash machine...

HOW CAN I NOT BLAME HIM THEN?????????????????????///

Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness? -

When the sun ...

A souvenir,when I had realllllly long hair 

Back to memories

Guys have to realize its not about looks, its about personality and there inner beauty !


I just signed up on a Forum and what is the first post I saw ??????

New hair cut

Friday night, I wanted to change my hair, and I DID !
I cut my hair my self with my roomie. It's shorter and I think it's quite nice.
I know the picture is not really good quality but I'll post better pics ;D

Whats do you think about my new haircut ?


Noel arrive a grand pas et je dois bientot quitter le Canada pour retourner en France. Deja trois ans, ca passe tellement vite ! Quelques flocons de neiges tombent mais rien de serieux pour le moment (c'est bien dommage, j'aime ca la neige mais PAS LE FROID X_X)
Je regarde a travers la fenetre, allonger dans mon lit en mode hangover.... Et je me dis que j'ai meme pas vu le temps passer !

BON ALLER ! Motivation, on allume les enceintes et chantons tous en coeur ! Je dedis cette chanson a mon copain, Xiong <3

I don't want a lot for Christmas 
There is just one thing I need 
I don't care about presents 
Underneath the Christmas tree 
I don't need to hang my stocking 
There upon the fireplace 
Santa Claus won't make me happy 
With a toy on Christmas day 
I just want you for my own 
More than you could ever know 
Make my wish come true 
All I want for Christmas is you... 
You baby 

I won't ask for much this Christmas 
I won't even wish for snow 
I'm just gonna keep on waiting 
Underneath the mistletoe 
I won't make a list and send it 
To the North Pole for Saint Nick 
I won't even stay awake to 
Hear those magic reindeer click 
'Cause I just want you here tonight 
Holding on to me so tight 
What more can I do 
Baby all I want for Christmas is you 

All the lights are shining 
So brightly everywhere 
And the sound of children's 
Laughter fills the air 
And everyone is singing 
I hear those sleigh bells ringing 
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need 
Won't you please bring my baby to me 

Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas 
This is all I'm asking for 
I just want to see my baby 
Standing right outside my door 
Oh I just want him for my own 
More than you could ever know 
Make my wish come true 
Baby all I want for Christmas is You 

All I want for Christmas is you baby 

I love you, Xiong!! 

J'ai commencer a acheter un cadeau pour Noel, pour ma coloc'. Je posterai pas encore la photo au cas ou.. Pas envi de lui gacher la surprise :p
Le probleme c'est que j'ai aucune idee de quoi offrir a Xiong :S Quelque chose de symbolique mais quoi .... Je trouverai bien quelque chose avant la date de Noel de toute facon ^_^

~: Whats do you want to do :~

Give you a Hug __ To kiss me __..__To hurt me ____ To have sex   ..__Sleep with me
_____Faire un Calin ___M'embrasser     =._Me faire du mal _     Faire des choses     _Dormir avec moi

♣ ♥ ♠ ~ L'amitié

» L'amitié c'est quoi ?

Quelqu'un à qui tu tiens, par un cheveu, par un fil par des plus ou des moins.Tu ne sais pas comment, tu ne sais pas pourquoi, ça fonctionne tout seul et sans mode d'emploi. L'amitié c'est du goût, des yeux, de la parole. Un amour en commun, musique, boulot, . . . Quelqu'un qu'on a envie de voir ou de toucher pour raconter sa vie et pour mieux "l'exister". C'est un capital coeur à la banque du temps prêté sans intérêts et sans remboursement. Peut-être des copains qui deviennent des frères ; simplement des voisins, parfois des adversaires. Quelqu'un qu'on n'aimait pas pour un mot pour un rien, qu'on aime d'autant plus que l'on revient de loin. Un héros, une idole, un cheval ou un chien (...) C'est un sourire soleil, c'est le point pour demain.

 L'amitié c'est la joie de se dire à demain
C'est toi, c'est lui, c'est moi
Et c'est ensemble qu'on est bien. „

→ E n a u c u n c a s j e n e p a s s e r a i m a v i e s e u l . ←

Être célibataire, n'est ce pas la plus grande liberté qui nous ait offerte ? Tout d'abord, célibataire veut bien dire libre. J'entends souvent dire, quand je demande le status d'une personne, qu'elle est fière ou heureuse comme ça. Cet atout va malheureusement perdre sa valeur et même devenir une faiblesse avec le temps, donc le célibataire devra être capable de s'expliquer un minimum s'il est interrogé sur ce point. Il n'a pas toujours envie de s'expliquer, mais c'est important, et c'est même un avantage de pouvoir le faire, car tout est affaire de communication. A la question "Pourquoi es tu célibataire depuis si longtemps ?' vous répondez la plupart du temps que c'est dû à une rupture amoureuse, que vous n'êtes pas spécialement beau, que vous ne trouvez personne (...) . Vous ne devez pas parler de votre solitude, ni de votre déception amoureuse. Il faut masquer le célibat et faire venir un choix. Décrivez l'instant comme un moment positif, quelque chose d'utile qui a permis d'apprendre et d'aller de l'avant. Nous le savons tous, pas d'expérience sans erreurs.

‟ En amour, on a toujours besoin d'être rassuré „