Merci chaton pour ce petit message sur ma main today :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Coucou, ma petite sardine.
Le blog est resté ouvert sur mon ordi, donc je poste un petit message for you.
J'ai passé des moments merveilleux avec toi, j'ai déjà hâte de te revoir. Ça fait même pas quelques heures qu'on n'est plus ensemble là, mais tu me manques déjà, c'est comme si tu était déjà reparti ... T.T Ok, je vais essayer de pas pleurer. Keep the smile always. :D
La vie reprends son cours, sans toi à m'attendre quand je rentre du boulot, mais sache que chaque jours je penserais à toi. Je ne t'oublierais pas non plus, je t'aime fort ma sardinette, prends bien soin de toi, et fais de gros bisous à Marie Chou de ma part, je pense qu'elle sera avec toi quand tu liras ce message. Et encore, merci pour tous :3
PS : Je t'écris un lettre bientôt t'inquiète et bientôt l'Itouch :3
Le blog est resté ouvert sur mon ordi, donc je poste un petit message for you.
J'ai passé des moments merveilleux avec toi, j'ai déjà hâte de te revoir. Ça fait même pas quelques heures qu'on n'est plus ensemble là, mais tu me manques déjà, c'est comme si tu était déjà reparti ... T.T Ok, je vais essayer de pas pleurer. Keep the smile always. :D
La vie reprends son cours, sans toi à m'attendre quand je rentre du boulot, mais sache que chaque jours je penserais à toi. Je ne t'oublierais pas non plus, je t'aime fort ma sardinette, prends bien soin de toi, et fais de gros bisous à Marie Chou de ma part, je pense qu'elle sera avec toi quand tu liras ce message. Et encore, merci pour tous :3
PS : Je t'écris un lettre bientôt t'inquiète et bientôt l'Itouch :3
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
(L) . . .
Je t'aime, mais j'ai le coeur brisé
On s'est connu par facebook et vu quelque fois à la cam. On s'est rencontré pour la première fois et je t'ai câliné. Chaque jour qui est passé, on se parlait à chaque jour. Chaque jour j'avais le sourrir aux lèvres, toujours pleins de bonnes pensées pour commencer et finir ma journée. Je t'ai aimé, de plus en plus. Tu me manque, et je te manque aussi. Je t'aime, et tu me dis m'aimer, mais je t'ai demandé, et tu m'as rejeté.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Famille - Amis - Ennemies
Quand ta soeur te dit :
<< Mais tu sais que Papa & Maman ils en peuvent plus de toi ? >>
Moi :
<< Non, c'est moi qui est voulu partir au Canada ! >>
Ma soeur :
<< Ce que tu sais pas, c'est que ça nous fait le plus grand bien. >>
Quand t'as plus ta famille, t'as tes amis pour te rétracter. Mais quand t'en a pas tu fais comment ?
Monday, April 25, 2011
- I'm fucking lost -
I have to change my comportment.
I say I don't have a lot of friends but I'm not good with people.
I'm always mean, always yelling to them.
Can you have friends then ?
I tell them that I'm just like that, that's why people don't want to stay friend with me.
I can't trust to everybody, it's normal !
I'm just like that.
Friday, April 22, 2011
I don't wanna love you !
Est ce que l'être humain est capable de refouler le fait qu'il est ait besoin d'amour pour vivre ?
Ne peut-on pas tout simplement vivre dans la haine pour se simplifier les choses ?
Être seul, ne penser à rien, ni a personne.
Sois, Je, Moi-même
Pensée du soir, bonsoir.
Thanks to be my friend

Bon en allez, tant qu'à faire, on balance la sauce ! Il s'appelle Dazz, il habite en Malaysie. Pas d'inquiétude, il n'est pas gay. C'est un ami, enfin .... virtuel. C'est vrai qu'on partage pas mal de secrets. Je trouve ça super cool d'ailleur. Parce que j'ai pas vraiment grand monde ici pour en parler ( je parle du monde réel lol ). En tout cas je voulais juste faire cet article parce qu'il fallait que ça me sorte de la tête et c'est en écrivant que je me libère.
J'espère juste un jour trouver quelqu'un comme lui, en vrai, avec qui je pourrais me confier chaque jour, passer du temps avec ... Ou peut-être le voir lui.
Mais faut dire aussi que j'aime bien comment il prend 'soin' de moi. Plein de petites attentions qui font que je l'aime bien et puis qui fait qu'on est vraiment 'ami'. Je vais arrêter les guillemets, parce que bon j'écris pour moi, pas pour vous. Prenez les choses comme vous le voulez. Ne dîtes juste rien, lisez et gardez le pour vous.
Je peux seulement lui parler quand chez nous il fait nuit car nous avons 12h de décallage horraire.
Il veut toujours que j'aille me coucher quand je lui dit 'SALUT'. J'ai juste envi de parler un peu avec lui puis en fin de compte, ça fini qu'on passe toute la nuit ensemble haha.
J'aime juste pas quand il croit que je m'ennuie quand on reste tard. J'aime vraiment pas ça ...
I just wanna spend the most possible time with you because I know you won't stay my friend for ever ...
I just wanna spend the most possible time with you because I know you won't stay my friend for ever ...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Why should I care about someone who are really far away from me and don't really care about me ?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Id like to never told you some secrets about me
Id like to never called you my friend
Now, I hate you
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Good News
OMG Today I'm so happy (Tonight = ='') because my friend told me tomorrow we have to visit one apartment. I'm so exited because I can't stay at my place = =''. I hate my roommates except one. So I have to find a job to earn money ! If the guy don't want us, we will see another apartment Friday !
I think I won't be able to sleep ... But I don't sleep for few days omg I really new some sleep maybe.
Tomorrow after visiting, I'll see Ming Jia muah muah muahh !
And to change, I'll eat Mcdonald's =D
G'Night everyone !
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sad Sad Sad
Why you told me that?
I hate when people begin something and don't tell you the end of the thing. You are waiting like an idiot. What the heck? Why did do you that ? Oh no ... Why ARE YOU doing that?
I'm still anxious. I don't know what is going on. I just wanna know. I ask her if it was a bad new, she told yes maybe, it could be. Tomorrow I'll see him and now I don't know what I have to think = =' First, It's very difficult to sleep for me. Oh mah gahh ... Anyways!
I told me I have to kiss him tomorrow but I'm like a kid whos got 7 yo. Shy - Shy - Shy
Now It's time to sleep, Just wanna write on my blog ~
See ya tomorrow (K)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
7 April
If I could, I would like to kiss you to tell you that I really appreciate you ~
Now I know what I want. I don't care what the other are thinking about us. You can be with the guy that you want. Even though you are young, I want to try and give you a chance to build something together. May we try ?
I don't know what you think about me. You didn't looked at me. Am I like you want ?
I hope
Now I know what I want. I don't care what the other are thinking about us. You can be with the guy that you want. Even though you are young, I want to try and give you a chance to build something together. May we try ?
I don't know what you think about me. You didn't looked at me. Am I like you want ?
I hope
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
M a o w w w ~
May I hope something with you ? R.
- ~ - ~ - ~ -
I gave up with you fucking open boy
If you love playing with boy
Just do what you love to do
The Bitch
Monday, March 28, 2011
My first post
My name is Antoine and I'm 19 years old. I live in Canada and I really like it.
I have a boyfriend who is called Karim. He lives in France and he is 18 years old. We live a relationship with a lot of distance, I know. That makes 2 months we are together. But I don't know if it's really possible together. To tell the truth, I'm really lost this time. I don't go to College anymore, Karim don't talk to me a lot, I don't know what should I do with Toan ... What I am doing now ? I'm listening a chinese singer called Jay Zhou. I really like his music, there are very calm and beautiful. Best music to listen when you are sad, trust me.
I'm gonna talk about the problem step by step, it would be easier for me and for you.
First, the College. I don't have any programm. I was in computer science but I stoped it because I really don't wanna stay behind a computer all my life. I need to talk, to meet people ... I really need the social environment. So now I only have four subjects who are English, French, Physical Education and Philosophy. I always sucked in French but ... What happened ?! I was really good ! I had very good marks ! I couldn't believe it. P.E., I always hated it so I didn't come to this subject. I love english, of course. But I missed a lot of classes and I was too afraid to come back to class. So I gave up. I just come to Philosophy. I don't know what should I do because if I don't have 60% at 3 subjects, I can't stay at the College. Actually, I was sick for 2 weeks (and I'm still a bit) and I couldn't go to school. After that, I didn't want to go back school because of lotta exams were waiting me. I will send emails to my teacher to apologize.
Now, I'm gonna talk about Karim, my boyfriend who lives in France. I know him like about 2 years I think. I don't know exactly the date. 2 months that we are together, and I hurt a lot to keep him with me ! Lotta times he would make me hating him, but when you love someone, he can do whan he wants, the love couldnt change. He was so mean then he gave up and told me that he love me but he is sad because of the distance. That's the same for me, it's very difficult. I don't know what should I do...
Toan, Xiao Toan (little Toan, in Mandarin). I met this boy at Unity, a club that I really like ! I always dance there with all my friends. I know lotta people there. I go to club every weekend with Marie and her friend (Rémi, Sab, Vanou, Max, Kevin, ...). One day, I saw a guy, an asian guy with a pretty face. I thought he was straight, omg, when I told him he was like wtf ?!I'm with homo and guy who look like women, how can you think that ? Haha It was so funny. So I talked with his friend who wanted to kiss me ... But he didn't. I told him that I wanted to know the name of his friend but I didn't understand. Like 2 hours after, I met him with Toan. He told him that I wanted to know him ....OMFG I was like what I have to do know ! I'm so shy =.= I'm really shy xD I didn't want to look at him or anything. He was so cute. I know, there isn't just the beauty. That's why I didn't do anything with him ! I want to know him first of all. He is very .... secret. I can't know what he is thinking. And you know what i'm going to say ; I don't know what should I do...
I had to talk about that because tonight I'm sad and maybe a bit angry because I'm lost and I hate it... But every person had already felt like that. I hope, all will be okay. I don't want to sleep, just think about my life. If you read it, thank you. You can comment if you want, I'll reply you but just leave you name or email please.
Good night -
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